Crisis line numbers and services

13 11 14

24-hour national telephone, text and online crisis counselling service and resources

1300 659  467

24-hour national telephone counselling service and online counselling service for people who are suicidal or bereaved by suicide, and bereavement resources. Offer 6 sessions for 50 minutes each.

1300 224 636

24-hour national phone information service and online chat service

Mental Health Organisations

Offers comprehensive information and resources for all mood disorders with a great library of fact sheets and self-test questionnaires.

A national not-for-profit organization that raises awareness and provides support for those suffering from depression and anxiety. Offers evidence-based resources and a telephone and online support service.

Online E-learning Sites for Depression and Anxiety

Offers free information on depression and anxiety disorders and brief online courses to help overcome these disorders.

Self-help service aiming to promote resilience and wellbeing. 

Suicide Safety Plan Apps

Beyond Now:A suicide safety planning app —

Download free through the App Store. Takes you and people who care for you through how to make a safety plan if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Be Safe: Suicide Safety Plan App –

Download free through the App Store — Guides individuals and carers through making a plan to keep people that have suicidal thoughts safe.

Caring for someone who has attempted or is at risk of attempting suicide

Provides information and advice about dealing with emergency situations, looking after the person you care about after they leave hospital and taking care of yourself in this situation.

After a suicide

Offers free telephone and face to face 24/7 support for anyone impacted by suicide,

as well as excellent resources including fact sheets and books to support teens and children after suicide (Free downloads)

Postvention Australia: National Association for the Bereaved By Suicide:

Grief and Bereavement

The National Centre for Childhood Grief:

Provides support for bereaved children in Australia.

Australian Centre for Grief and
Provides support for bereaved people through research, education and consultancy.

Training Programs

Mental Health First Aid:

Provides training that teaches people how to help someone who may be developing a mental illness or who is in crisis.

Living Works:

Suicide Intervention Training